A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is a teaser. FULL GAME HERE: https://made-in-america-media.itch.io/death-trials





The launch date is October 1st... right in time for HALLOWEEN!

This will be for WINDOWS, MAC, and LINUX!!!

***(You can catch early access footage on Twitch if you search "Death Trials"!)


If you want early access, please send a private message to our partner @horror.video.games on Instagram. You will get a FREE copy to stream ahead of everyone else!***

You wake up in total darkness. It feels like you're in a rusty metal cage, which hangs in mid air. There's a small light against the wall twenty feet away, but you can't get out. Just as your eyes adjust, the cage door slowly opens... You jump from the cage... three feet below to the floor... and into the darkness...

ABOUT THE CREATORS:  We LOVE horror. And we will give you as much as you need if you let us!

This was created for the HALLOWEEN GAME JAM by Official Horror Video Games. Join them for FREE game promotion: https://itch.io/jam/halloween-game-jam-by-official-horror-video-games


Thunderwire Studio, Ferocious Industries, Craft Studios, 2of1Kind, Hartadi Design


horror video games halloween game jam promotion 2.jpg 286 kB
death trials - logo (72 rez).jpg 33 kB
MAM logo 1 HORROR - v.1 cropped 300dpi.jpg 671 kB
DEATH TRIALS trailer v.1.mp4 135 MB
DEATH TRIALS - cover.jpg 51 kB

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